Evidence-Based Practice Applied to the Clinical Laboratory

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Author: Lee B. Springer, PhD, MLS(ASCP), CRA, MSHS
Reviewer: Laurie Bjerklie, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM

This course will look at the concepts and approaches to evidence-based practice, such as developing focused questions, gathering evidence, and performing systematic reviews. Additionally the course will explore the steps needed to integrated evidence-based practices into clinical laboratory processes and decision-making to improve the quality of test results and ensure positive patient outcomes.

Continuing Education Credits


  • Define evidence-based practice (EBP).
  • Identify reasons for promoting EBP.
  • Discuss examples of research design and how they can support EBP.
  • List different sources for clinical evidence that can be accessed by laboratory professionals.
  • Describe how you would use an EBP approach to implement a change in your laboratory.

Course Outline

  • Evidence-Based Practice
      • What is Evidence-Based Practice?
      • Evidence-Based Practice and the Clinical Laboratory
      • True or False: Evidence-based practice is concerned primarily with new drug protocols and new testing algorithms and is not directly involved in quest...
  • What is Considered Evidence?
      • What is Considered Evidence?
      • A laboratory manager is considering a process change and is starting to research articles/journals that discuss this new process. When choosing a publ...
  • Relevance of EBP to Practice
      • Questions Asked and Addressed By EBP
  • Knowledge Gaps
      • Knowledge Gaps
  • Modern Evidence-Based Decision Making
      • Evidence-Based Decision Making
      • Step 1: Formulate the Question
      • Step 2: Search for Relevant and Meaningful Data and Information
      • Step 3: Appraise/Assess the Evidence
      • Step 3: Appraise/Assess the Evidence, continued
      • Step 4: Apply
      • Step 4: Apply, continued
      • Step 5: Implementation
      • Step 6: Assess and Audit
      • Choose the question below that is solution-focused.
      • What is the most neglected aspect of change-management mediated through evidence-based practice?
  • Systematic Review
      • Systematic Review
      • Sources of Systematic Reviews
      • Common Problems with Searching
      • True or False: A systematic review of a topic has to have at least these three elements: Clear inclusion/exclusion criteriaAn explicit search strategy...
  • White Papers and Technical Documents
      • White Papers and Gray Literature
      • White papers may be considered "gray literature" if they:
  • Bringing It All Together
      • Scenario: Applying EBPYou are selecting a new method/instrument for your chemistry laboratory and will use an EBP approach with this selection process...
      • Scenario: Applying EBP, continuedThe next step in your instrument decision-making process is to search for information and data that help answer your ...
      • Scenario: Applying EBP, continued You assess the gathered information and choose articles that are relevant and valid. You also review the vendor mate...
      • Scenario: Applying EBP, continuedWhich of these characteristics should you look for when assessing the articles and data that you compiled as evidence...
      • Scenario: Applying EBP, continuedYou will now present your recommendation (Instrument B) to individuals affected by this change. Your recommendation w...
      • Scenario: Applying EBP, continuedTrue or False: Instrument implementation is the final step in this EBP process.
      • Summary
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: Medical laboratory scientists, medical laboratory technicians, laboratory supervisors, and laboratory managers. This course is also appropriate for MLS and MLT students and pathology residents.
Author Information: Lee B. Springer, PhD, MLS(ASCP), CRA, MSHS, is the Director of Clinical Laboratory Medicine for PTS Diagnostics. In his career as a laboratory professional, Lee has worked in both hospital and corporate settings. He holds a Doctorate in Health Care Administration and a Masters in Health Science from Touro University. Lee has written articles for several laboratory publications on quality management issues.
Reviewer Information: Laurie Bjerklie, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM, is an Education Developer for MediaLab and LabCE. She earned a B.S. in Medical Laboratory Science from the University of North Dakota and an M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction from Saint Xavier University. She has over 15 years of experience in higher education and has held program director and faculty positions in both MLT and MLS programs.
Course Description: This course will examine the concepts and approaches to evidence-based practice, such as developing focused questions, gathering evidence, and performing systematic reviews. It will also explore the steps needed to integrate evidence-based practices into clinical laboratory processes and decision-making to improve the quality of test results and ensure positive patient outcomes.

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