CAP Pro Course - Immunology - Hepatitis Testing (2025 & 2026)

(based on 32 customer ratings)

Author: Kevin F. Foley, PhD, DABCC, MT, SC
Reviewer: Laurie Bjerklie, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM

Continuing Education Credits


  • Define hepatitis and compare and contrast viruses A, B, and C.
  • Explain the use of hepatitis A antibody testing and aspects of hepatitis A infection.
  • Explain the use of hepatitis B antibodies for diagnosis and evaluation of immunity.
  • Discuss the testing used in hepatitis C infection diagnosis and monitoring.
  • Discuss safety measures to minimize occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, including bloodborne hepatitis viruses.

Course Outline

  • Define hepatitis and compare and contrast viruses A, B, and C.
      • What is Hepatitis?
      • Hepatitis Testing
      • The Players
      • Liver Enzymes
      • A vaccine is currently not available for which type of hepatitis?
      • Which of the following hepatitis viruses is composed of double-stranded DNA?
      • The enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) are ordered on a patient with a positive IgM anti-HAV test result. Wha...
      • An adult patient would recover completely after acute infection and would have a 0% chance of developing chronic hepatitis if infected with which type...
  • Explain the use of hepatitis A antibody testing and aspects of hepatitis A infection.
      • Hepatitis A (HepA)
      • Hepatitis A (HepA) Testing
      • What occurs during the convalescent phase of HAV infection?
      • Which of the following statements is true regarding hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection?
      • Which of the following forms of hepatitis is transmitted by the oral-fecal route and is associated with elevations in AST and ALT?
      • A patient was in Haiti three months prior and presents at your clinic with a fever and jaundice. A specimen is sent to your laboratory, and the follow...
  • Explain the use of hepatitis B antibodies for diagnosis and evaluation of immunity.
      • Hepatitis B (HepB)
      • Hepatitis B (HepB) Testing
      • Hepatitis B (HepB) Markers Interpretation
      • Vaccination
      • Hepatitis D (HepD)
      • Which marker first demonstrates positivity in both acute and chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infections?
      • Which of the following is a characteristic of hepatitis B virus (HBV) that differentiates it from hepatitis A (HAV) and C (HCV) viruses?
      • A returning patient presents at your clinic. Seven months ago, the patient tested positive for anti-HBc (IgM) and HBsAg. Which test would be expected ...
      • A member of your laboratory staff had an accidental needlestick exposure with a needle that was used on a patient with a diagnosis of hepatitis B. Whi...
  • Discuss the testing used in hepatitis C infection diagnosis and monitoring.
      • Hepatitis C (HepC)
      • Genotypes
      • Hepatitis C (HepC) Testing
      • Treatment
      • Hepatitis E (HepE)
      • Which of the following is not a route of hepatitis C transmission?
      • What is indicated by the following test results?ResultsAnti-HCV PositiveHCV RNANegative (<15 IU/L)
      • A laboratory supervisor is asked to set up testing for a new hepatology service at their medical center. Which of the following would not be a valid c...
      • What is the most likely scenario given the following test results?ResultsAnti-HCV ReactiveHCV RNADetected
  • Explain the basic principles of immunoassay methods and the use of a cut-off value to determine positive and negative test results.
      • Determining Positive and Negative Hepatitis Test Results
      • Immunoassay Methods
      • A patient with an acute hepatitis panel has the following results: ResultsHBsAgPositiveAnti-HBc IgMPositiveAnti-HAV IgMNegativeAnti-HCV IgMNegative Wh...
      • Adina is 48 years old and is experiencing symptoms suggestive of acute hepatitis, including jaundice and abdominal tenderness. They also report a one-...
  • Discuss safety measures to minimize occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, including bloodborne hepatitis viruses.
      • Bloodborne Pathogen Precautions to Prevent Occupationally-Acquired Hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) Infections
      • A hospital patient has been diagnosed with hepatitis B. Which one of the following body fluids from this patient presents the greatest risk of infecti...
      • According to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, what action should be taken if a laboratory worker's garment is penetrated by blood?
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: This course is designed as an educational and training tool for medical laboratory scientists and technicians, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information: Kevin F. Foley, PhD, DABCC, MT, SC, is the director of clinical pathology for the Kaiser Permanente Northwest region. He also teaches clinical chemistry at Oregon Health Sciences University. Dr. Foley earned his PhD in clinical pharmacology and toxicology at the East Carolina School of Medicine in North Carolina.
Reviewer Information: Laurie Bjerklie, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM, is currently an Education Developer. She earned a B.S. in Medical Laboratory Science from the University of North Dakota and an M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction from Saint Xavier University. She has over 15 years of experience in higher education and has held program director and faculty positions in both MLT and MLS programs.

This course is part of the CAP Competency Assessment Hub.

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