CAP Pro Course - Safety - General Laboratory Safety

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Author: Robert Nickla, RBP, M(ASCP) Reviewer: Shoolah Escott, MS, MT(ASCP)

Continuing Education Credits


  • Explain the importance of compliance with general safety and security procedures by individual laboratory members.
  • Identify safe work practices that will reduce exposure to safety hazards.
  • Identify the purpose of engineering controls and safety equipment available in the laboratory and explain proper procedures for use.
  • Identify the purpose of personal protective equipment (PPE) and describe appropriate use based on the procedures being performed.

Course Outline

  • Explain the importance of compliance with general safety and security procedures by individual laboratory members.
      • Responsibility for Laboratory Safety
      • Security Considerations
      • Laboratory Risk Assessments
      • Which of the following is not a physical security features?
      • Laboratories commonly contain potentially hazardous material, such as biological, chemical, physical, or radiological hazards, and laboratory workers ...
  • Identify safe work practices that will reduce exposure to safety hazards.
      • Laboratory Safety Plan
      • Hand Hygiene
      • Proper Attire, Good Personal Habits, and Safety Precautions
      • Disinfectants
      • Laboratory Cleaning and Disinfection
      • Good Housekeeping Habits
      • Proper Laboratory Techniques
      • Slip and Fall Prevention
      • Reporting Injuries, Hazards, and Exposures
      • When can a cell phone or other personal electronic devices be safely used in the laboratory?
      • Rebecca has a small wound on her hand and does not want to use the alcohol-based rubs because they sting when she applies them. She works with potenti...
  • Identify the purpose of engineering controls and safety equipment available in the laboratory and explain proper procedures for use.
      • Engineering Controls
      • Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) and Chemical Fume Hoods (CFHs)
      • Splashguards
      • Emergency Eyewash Stations
      • Emergency Showers
      • Prevention of Sharps Injuries
      • Which of the following is most accurate regarding emergency eyewash stations being required to be routinely flushed?
      • Lisa needs to centrifuge a large number of blood samples today before she goes to a meeting. The laboratory policy states that sealable centrifuge saf...
  • Identify the purpose of personal protective equipment (PPE) and describe appropriate use based on the procedures being performed.
      • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
      • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Based on the Procedure Performed
      • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Based on the Procedure Performed: Gloves
      • Special Considerations for Handling Specimens Associated with COVID-19
      • Thursdays are always the busiest specimen processing days in the laboratory where Nicole works. This Thursday, Nicole was very busy, and as soon as sh...
      • Which of the following statements is most accurate in regard to wearing an N95 respirator if the user has a mustache?
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction:  Basic
Intended Audience: This program is designed as an educational and training tool for MLS, MT, and MLT personnel, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information:  Rob Nickla, RBP, M(ASCP), began his public health career in 2004 at the Arizona State Public Health Laboratory (ASPHL), working in Mycobacteriology, Bacteriology, and Virology. While there, he became the State Training Coordinator and Bioterrorism Training Coordinator in the Bioemergency Response Section and actively participated in several APHL Special Interest Groups for Basic Microbiology, Biosafety & Biosecurity, and Select Agent Training. He served on the ASPHL Safety Committee for several years and helped develop and conduct many in-house safety-related trainings.
Review Information:  Shoolah Escott, MS, MT(ASCP), currently works as a biosafety and biosecurity consultant and trainer. She has over 14 years of experience working with the CDC and has experience as a regional coordinator with APHL. Earlier in her career, she was the manager of microbiology at Memorial hospital in the greater Boston area and more recently served as the Biosafety Manager and Alternate Responsible Official for the Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory.

This course is part of the CAP Competency Assessment Hub.

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