CAP Pro Course - Hematology - Platelet Testing, Morphology, and Disorders

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Author: Margaret Reinhart, MS, MT(ASCP)
Reviewer: Laurie Bjerklie, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM

Continuing Education Credits


  • Describe megakaryopoiesis leading to the formation of platelets, as well as the various functions and roles of platelets in hemostasis.
  • Describe proper blood collection methods used for platelet analyses.
  • Outline the basic automated platelet counting and sizing methods, and describe their utility.
  • Describe methodologies for microscopic evaluation and estimation of platelets, as well as platelet function testing methods.
  • Recognize abnormal, unexpected, and false platelet test results, as well as those that do not correlate with other data; describe appropriate actions to take in such cases.
  • Correlate results of platelet tests with various quantitative and qualitative platelet disorders.

Course Outline

  • Describe megakaryopoiesis leading to the formation of platelets, as well as the various functions and roles of platelets in hemostasis.
      • Platelet Production
      • The Role of Platelets in Hemostasis
      • Platelet Structure and Function
      • What is one role of the granules that are released from the platelet upon activation?
      • What types of granules are found within the platelet?
      • What component of the platelet is required in several steps of the coagulation cascade for fibrin clot formation to occur?
  • Describe proper blood collection methods used for platelet analyses.
      • Specimen Collection, Handling, and Storage
      • Preparation for Manual Platelet Microscopic Evaluation
      • Platelet studies, including platelet count, microscopic evaluation, and platelet function (aggregation) are ordered on a patient with easy bruising. W...
      • What is a possible disadvantage to performing a microscopic platelet evaluation of a slide made from blood obtained directly from a capillary puncture...
      • A CBC including platelet count and platelet morphology, as well as platelet function testing, is ordered on a patient with bruising and bleeding probl...
  • Outline the basic automated platelet counting and sizing methods, and describe their utility.
      • Automated Platelet Counting and Sizing
      • Electronic Impedance Methods
      • Light Scatter Methods
      • Optical Scatter (Fluorescence)/Flow Cytometric Methods
      • Which of the following measures the immature platelet fraction (IPF) in automated platelet analyses?
      • Which of the following is a newer reference method for platelet counting?
      • A medical laboratory science student is told that the values for their laboratory's platelet counts and volumes are generated using an electronic impe...
  • Describe methodologies for microscopic evaluation and estimation of platelets, as well as platelet function testing methods.
      • Microscopic Observation of Peripheral Blood Smears
      • Estimating Platelet Concentration From a Peripheral Smear
      • Routine Tests of Platelet Function
      • Summary of Platelet Tests and Methodologies
      • A flag appears on a patient's automated platelet count. The patient's count has been in the lower part of the reference range, but this latest value i...
      • Which of the following chemicals (agonists) cannot be used in initiating platelet aggregation when performing platelet function tests?
      • Following a flag of a low platelet count on a routine CBC, a medical laboratory science student makes a Wright-stained smear to evaluate the platelets...
      • A medical laboratory technician is making a Wright's stained smear in order to evaluate the patient's platelet morphology and arrangement. What is the...
  • Recognize abnormal, unexpected, and false platelet test results, as well as those that do not correlate with other data; describe appropriate actions to take in such cases.
      • Automated Platelet Testing: Recognition of Abnormal, Unexpected, or Spurious results
      • Platelet Evaluation on Stained Blood Smears: Platelet Arrangement
      • Platelet Evaluation on Stained Blood Smears: Platelet Size
      • Platelet Evaluation on Stained Blood Smears: Platelet Granulation
      • Table 3. Platelet Evaluation on Wright-Stained Blood Smears (1000X)
      • Platelet Function Testing: Sources of Error
      • A post-surgical specimen on a patient indicates a platelet count of 180 x 109/L. What is this indicative of, and what should you do?
      • A post-surgical specimen on a patient indicates a platelet count of 180 x 109/L but the analyzer flagged for slide review due to increased WBC count. ...
      • A CBC on a patient being evaluated for bleeding problems indicates a platelet count within reference range. Coagulation tests were also performed on t...
  • Correlate results of platelet tests with various quantitative and qualitative platelet disorders.
      • Platelet Test Results and Association with Clinical Disorders
      • Clinical Conditions Associated With Thrombocytopenia Due to Decreased Platelet Production
      • Clinical Conditions Associated With Thrombocytopenia Due to Destruction of Platelets or Increased Platelet Utilization (Platelet Consumption)
      • Clinical Conditions Associated With Thrombocytosis
      • Clinical Conditions Associated With Platelet Dysfunction
      • Clinical Conditions Associated With Alterations in MPV
      • What platelet disorder, if any, do Von Willebrand's disease, alcoholism, and renal failure have in common?
      • Which of the following is a true statement about the mean platelet volume (MPV)?
      • A child is brought into the emergency room with extreme fatigue and bruising. She had also been suffering from diarrhea and gastrointestinal symptoms ...
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: This program is designed as an educational and training tool for MLS, MT, and MLT personnel, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author: Margaret Reinhart, MS, MT(ASCP) is a Senior lecturer in Biological Sciences at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia PA where she teaches hematology, clinical immunology, parasitology, and other related courses. She was the MLS Program Director there for 30 years. She is also adjunct instructor in Hematology at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia PA. She holds a Masters Degree in Biology and in Health Care Administration.
Reviewer Information: Laurie Bjerklie, M.A., MLS(ASCP)CM is currently a Content Developer for MediaLab and LabCE. She earned a B.S. in Medical Laboratory Science from the University of North Dakota and an M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction from Saint Xavier University. She has over 14 years of experience in higher education and has held faculty positions in both MLT and MLS programs. She most recently served as the Program Manager of Medical Laboratory Science at Saint Louis University.

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