CAP Pro Course - Blood Bank - Quality Control in the Blood Bank Laboratory

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Author: Suzanne H. Butch, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM, SBB, DLM
Reviewers: Rory Huschka, M.Ed., MLS(ASCP)

Continuing Education Credits


  • Describe how quality is managed in the transfusion service.
  • Define the requirements for assessing specimen quality throughout the path of workflow.
  • Discuss the CLIA responsibilities of testing personnel and the general supervisor in assuring the quality of laboratory results.
  • Define a quality control plan.
  • Define the purpose of proficiency testing in laboratory quality management.
  • Describe the role of competency assessment in quality management.
  • Define the elements of an individualized quality control plan.

Course Outline

  • Describe how quality is managed in the transfusion service.
      • Role of Laboratory Director
      • Role of the Technical Consultant/Supervisor
      • The Quality Management Plan and Quality Manual
      • Equipment
      • Reagents, Supplies, and Quality Control Testing
      • QC Failures
      • Proficiency Testing
      • Training and Competency Assessment
      • Records
      • Quality Assurance (QA): Measuring Success and Identifying Opportunities for Improvement
      • Two new automated testing instruments of the same model are being delivered to the laboratory. What task must be accomplished before the instrument ca...
      • Quality control is required for reagents. The Code of Federal Regulations defines the frequency quality control should be performed. Which of the foll...
  • Define the requirements for assessing specimen quality throughout the path of workflow.
      • The Technologist: Gatekeeper of Quality
      • Specimen Identification
      • Tracing the Phlebotomist
      • Bar coding Patient Identification
      • Age of the Specimen Used for Compatibility Testing
      • A patient specimen tube arrives in the transfusion service for pretransfusion testing. It has a barcoded label printed at a nursing station. The label...
      • A technologist checks the specimen label on a specimen to be used for crossmatching and notes that the name of the phlebotomist is not on the specimen...
  • Discuss the CLIA responsibilities of testing personnel and the general supervisor in assuring the quality of laboratory results.
      • Roles of the Laboratory Director and Technical Supervisor/Consultant
      • Role of the General Supervisor
      • The Role of Testing Personnel
      • Confidentiality of Patient Information
      • Which of the following is a duty of testing personnel according to CLIA?
      • Which of the following may be performed by a technologist performing laboratory testing?
  • Define a quality control plan.
      • Quality Control Plans
      • Deviations from Manufacturer's Instructions
      • Which of the following is not part of a laboratory quality control plan?
      • In attempting to reduce the false positives in a waived test kit, the laboratory director has directed the research technologist to test several modif...
  • Define the purpose of proficiency testing in laboratory quality management.
      • Proficiency Testing (PT)
      • Proficiency Testing (PT) Policies and Procedures
      • Acceptable Proficiency Testing (PT) Performance
      • When the Laboratory's Proficiency Testing (PT) Results Are Unacceptable
      • When Proficiency Testing (PT) Results Are Not Graded
      • Which of the following is used to monitor the accuracy and reliability of the laboratory's testing?
      • Which of the following require proficiency testing three times per year?
  • Describe the role of competency assessment in quality management.
      • Methods of Competency Assessment for Laboratory Testing
      • Waived Testing
      • Moderate and High Complexity Testing
      • You are developing a competency assessment process for staff performing immunohematology testing. Which of the following does not require the CLIA six...
      • The laboratory is implementing a new waived test. Which of the following is true?
  • Define the elements of an individualized quality control plan.
      • Individualized Quality Control Plan (IQCP)
      • IQCP - Risk Assessment
      • IQCP - Risk Assessment (RA) Information Sources
      • IQCP - Quality Control Plan (QCP)
      • IQCP - Quality Assessment
      • Which of the following is not required in an IQCP?
      • Which of the following events should trigger a review of the Individualized Quality Control Plan (IQCP)?
      • How often must the IQCP be evaluated for effectiveness?
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction:  Intermediate
Intended Audience:  This program is designed as an educational and training tool for MLS, MT, and MLT personnel, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information:  Suzanne H. Butch, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM, SBB, DLM is the Administrative Manager for Healthcare, Blood Bank & Transfusion Service at the University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She holds a Bachelors in Medical Technology from the University of Michigan, a Masters Degree in Management and Supervision from Central Michigan University, and Certifications as a Specialist in Blood Bank, as a Quality Audit and as a Diplomate in Laboratory Medicine. She has edited books and written numerous book chapters and articles and has been invited to present numerous lectures in the field of computerization in the blood bank, automation and transfusion medicine.
Reviewer Information:   Rory Huschka, M. Ed., MLS(ASCP), has over 20 years of combined experience as a medical technologist, technical supervisor, professor, and manager. He is a former Program Director of the Medical Laboratory Science and Medical Laboratory Technician Programs. He is currently a Program Director at MediaLab, Inc. Rory holds a BS degree in Medical Technology from North Dakota State University and a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership.

This course is part of the CAP Competency Assessment Hub.

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