CAP Pro Course - Phlebotomy - Specimen Collection for Workplace Urine Drug Testing Programs and Forensic Drug and Alcohol Testing

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Author: Carol Becker, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM
Reviewer: Julie Ann West, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM, SM(ASCP)CM

Continuing Education Credits


  • Recognize the importance of the legal admissibility of clinical laboratory testing by addressing current chain of custody (CoC) identification procedures and recognized laboratory security measures for workplace urine drug testing.
  • Describe the essential requirements of proper urine specimen collection and handling for workplace urine drug testing, including accurate specimen identification and CoC documentation.
  • Define the characteristics of an acceptable urine specimen for workplace urine drug testing.
  • Identify the appropriate CoC steps necessary to avoid potential adulteration or tampering of a urine sample submitted for workplace urine drug testing.
  • Explain the proper specimen collection procedures for legal blood alcohol testing.

Course Outline

  • Recognize the importance of the legal admissibility of clinical laboratory testing by addressing current chain of custody (CoC) identification procedures and recognized laboratory security measures for workplace urine drug testing.
      • What is Chain of Custody (CoC)?
      • Proper Identification (ID) of Donors
      • Security and Controlled Access to Specimens
      • A new housekeeping employee is working alone, cleaning the designated laboratory section where workplace urine drug testing specimens are processed. C...
      • To prevent sample tampering, donor specimens for workplace urine drug testing are considered "in custody." Which of the following statements describes...
      • An employee at Memorial Hospital is required to submit urine for a workplace drug test at the outpatient laboratory. They arrive at the site with a ur...
  • Describe the essential requirements of proper urine specimen collection and handling for workplace urine drug testing, including accurate specimen identification and CoC documentation
      • Proper Specimen Identification (ID)
      • Chain-of-Custody (CoC) Forms
      • Chain-of-Custody (CoC) Sample Handling
      • Workplace Urine Drug Testing Specimen Collection, Handling, COVID-19, and Safety
      • Which of the following laboratory criteria is not a part of proper chain-of-custody (CoC) sample handling?
      • Anne, a phlebotomist, is labeling urine collected for a workplace urine drug test; the donor of the sample has already left the collection area. As th...
      • A collector has just received freshly voided urine from an employee donor having workplace urine drug testing today. The collector realizes they do no...
  • Define the characteristics of an acceptable urine specimen for workplace urine drug testing.
      • Types of Urine Collections for Drug Testing Programs
      • Acceptable Urine Containers
      • Acceptable Urine Volume
      • Acceptable Urine Temperature
      • Split Specimen Guidelines
      • What is the minimum amount of urine that can be collected for a single (non-split) collection for a workplace urine drug test?
      • A donor/employee has provided a urine specimen to an authorized collector in the outpatient laboratory for workplace urine drug testing. The urine sub...
      • A donor/employee just collected and submitted a urine sample for workplace urine drug testing to an authorized collector. As part of the process, the ...
  • Identify the appropriate CoC steps necessary to avoid potential adulteration or tampering of a urine sample submitted for workplace urine drug testing.
      • Collection Issues and Refusal to Test
      • Signs of Specimen Adulteration or Tampering
      • Prevention of Specimen Adulteration or Tampering
      • A Review of the Chain-of-Custody (CoC) Procedure for Urine Drug Testing
      • What option might a collector have in the workplace urine drug testing process if a donor refuses to wash their hands prior to collection of a urine s...
      • After a urine sample is collected for a workplace urine drug test, the temperature of the specimen is read by the authorized collector and recorded on...
      • A long-time employee is in the specimen collection process for a random workplace urine drug test. Upon voiding into the container, the donor flushes ...
  • Explain the proper specimen collection procedures for legal blood alcohol testing.
      • Guidelines for Forensic (Legal) Blood Alcohol Testing
      • Forensic (Legal) Blood Alcohol Collection Requirements
      • Which of the following is an acceptable antiseptic to use when drawing a blood alcohol specimen?
      • A female patient is brought to Memorial Hospital by an emergency medical services (EMS) team after a multiple car accident. She has been treated in th...
      • A person involved in a single car accident has been brought into the emergency department at Memorial Hospital by law enforcement. The officer escorti...
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Basic
Intended Audience: This program is designed as an educational and training tool for MLS, MT, and MLT personnel, phlebotomists, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information: Carol Becker, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM is a retired Program Director for the Clinical Laboratory Science program and Histology program at OSF St. Francis Medical Center located in Peoria, Illinois. Carol received her Master's degree at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, Illinois, and her Bachelor's degree in Medical Laboratory Science from the University of Illinois in Champaign, IL.
Reviewer Information: Dr. Julie Ann West is certified by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) as a Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS) and as a Specialist in Microbiology (SM). In addition, Dr. West has earned a PhD in Public Health - Infectious Disease Epidemiology - and is Certified in Public Health (CPH) by the National Board of Public Health Examiners. Dr. West is experienced as a Technical Specialist, Safety Officer, Educator, and Lead in the Veterans Administration Healthcare System, and has prior experience as an Administrative Laboratory Director.

This course is part of the CAP Competency Assessment Hub.

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