CAP Pro Course - Point-of-Care Testing - Provider-Performed Microscopy and Limited Waived Testing

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Author: Alice Travanty, BS, MT(ASCP)
Reviewer: Sheryl A. Whitlock, MA.Ed, MT(ASCP)BB

Continuing Education Credits


  • Demonstrate knowledge of what is included in provider-performed microscopy and limited waived testing and the requirements for operators.
  • Discuss preanalytical factors that could affect patient results.
  • Describe the performance and interpretation of results of provider-performed microscopy and limited waived testing.
  • Identify elements of quality management that apply to provider-performed microscopy and limited waived testing.

Course Outline

  • Demonstrate knowledge of what is included in provider-performed microscopy and limited waived testing and the requirements for operators.
      • Provider-Performed Microscopy (PPM) and Limited Waived Testing Definition
      • Competency Assessment Requirements for Provider-Performed Microscopy (PPM) and Limited Waived Testing
      • Which of the following statements is NOT a requirement for the competency of moderately complex tests that are being performed by the clinic under a P...
      • According to CAP, when performing testing under a PPM license, which statement concerning waived testing is correct?
      • Dr. Block is planning to open a new clinic. The physician plans to perform KOH preps, post-coital mucus examinations, qualitative semen analysis, and ...
      • A new physician at your hospital requests to perform provider-performed microscopy (PPM) and limited waived testing. The physician also asked about wh...
  • Discuss preanalytical factors that could affect patient results.
      • Specimen Collection and Handling
      • Dr. Green is performing a test for urease on a gastric biopsy sample. What organism is she looking for?
      • What is the maximum time that a sample for gastric occult blood may be stored?
      • When collecting a sample for pinworm testing, which is the best time to collect the specimen?
      • A nurse practitioner obtains a vaginal sample for Trichomonas vaginalis. She is running behind schedule and decides to put the sample in the refrigera...
      • A test is performed by a provider during the examination of a patient. The patient's name, medical record number, and test result are recorded in the ...
  • Describe the performance and interpretation of results of provider-performed microscopy and limited waived testing.
      • Pinworm Test
      • Wet Mount Preparations
      • Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) Preparations
      • Nasal Smears
      • Fecal Occult Blood Test
      • Semen Analysis, Qualitative
      • Fecal Leukocytes
      • Ferning
      • A nurse practitioner is performing a wet mount. She is looking for clue cells. What are clue cells?
      • When performing a test for fecal occult blood, the physician uses the developer for gastric occult blood. Which of the following statements is true?
      • A nurse practitioner performs a KOH prep on her patient. What is she looking for when performing this test?
      • What does a positive fern test on a pregnant patient mean?
      • A provider is evaluating a patient for possible allergic rhinitis. The provider collected a specimen for a nasal smear for granulocytes by having the ...
      • After collecting a pinworm specimen from her child, the mother brings in the specimen to be evaluated. The patient result is positive for pinworm. Can...
  • Identify elements of quality management that apply to provider-performed microscopy and limited waived testing.
      • Quality Management (QM) and Quality Control (QC)
      • Instrument Maintenance
      • Handling Reagents
      • What type of microscopy is included under a PPM license?
      • Dr. Collins discontinues a procedure for urine dipsticks. How long does he need to keep the discontinued procedure, per CAP requirements?
      • Dr. Powell stores urine controls in the refrigerator until the vials are opened for use, then the vials are stored at room temperature. Which of the f...
      • After performing the occult blood test, you notice that the kit developer is outdated. What should be your next steps?
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: This program is designed as an educational and training tool for MLS, MT, and MLT personnel, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information: Alice Travanty, BS, MT(ASCP) was the Point-of-Care Coordinator for St. Joseph Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin until her recent retirement from that position. She serves as a technical consultant for Tosa Pediatrics. Alice is the author of article "Connectivity Aids Compliance" in Advance for Administrators of Laboratory Vol 20, Issue 11, page 18. She graduated from Marquette University with a degree in Medical Technology and holds a Point-of-Care Specialist certificate from AACC.
Reviewer Information: Sheryl A. Whitlock, MA.Ed, MT(ASCP)BB is the owner of ARK Laboratory Consulting, LLC and a part time technical consultant for McKesson. Sheryl served as the laboratory coordinator for the Student Health Services Laboratory at the University of Delaware for 15 years. Sheryl received her Master’s degree in Education from Arcadia University in Glenside, Pennsylvania. She has more than 35 years of experience in laboratory science and has written and published textbooks and laboratory manuals as well as having contributed to numerous online and print articles in the field of laboratory medicine.

This course is part of the CAP Competency Assessment Hub.

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