CAP Pro Course - Histology - Special Stains

(based on 107 customer ratings)

Author: Carla Shoffeitt, MSM, HT(ASCP)
Reviewer: Alexandru Casapu, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, PBTCM

Continuing Education Credits


  • Identify common staining methods that are routinely employed in the histology laboratory setting and discuss the clinical/diagnostic purpose for performing special stains.
  • Discuss processing considerations, including appropriate fixative based on special stain procedure, function of mordants, and microtomy.
  • Determine the use of appropriate controls as a quality assurance measure.
  • Discuss requirements for accurate dilution of special stains, including solution labeling, storage, safe-handling, and disposal.
  • Recognize staining errors and discuss troubleshooting considerations.

Course Outline

  • Identify common staining methods that are routinely employed in the histology laboratory setting and discuss the clinical/diagnostic purpose for performing special stains.
      • Clinical Necessity of Special Stains
      • Common Staining Methods for Demonstration of Amyloid and Carbohydrates
      • Common Staining Methods for Demonstration of Connective Tissue, Muscle Fibers, and Lipids
      • Common Staining Methods for Demonstration of Microorganisms
      • Common Methods for Demonstration of Minerals
      • Common Staining Methods for Demonstration of Nervous System Components
      • Both the Gomori's one-step trichrome stain and Masson's trichrome stain are used to distinguish collagen from muscle tissue. While both of these stain...
      • You are performing a Jones' methenamine silver stain on a kidney biopsy section. In reviewing the staining procedure, you take note of the gold chlori...
      • Dr. McTavish is reviewing a liver biopsy case in which glycogen storage disease is suspected. As such, he requests a periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain....
  • Discuss processing considerations, including appropriate fixative based on special stain procedure, function of mordants, and microtomy.
      • Processing Considerations and Appropriate Fixative for Lipid Demonstration
      • How Do Mordants Work?
      • Secondary Fixation: Mordant Precedes the Dye
      • Use of Mordant-Dye Complex in Single Staining Solution
      • Mordant Use Following Dye
      • Appropriate Fixative Selection Based on Special Stain Procedure
      • Microtomy Considerations for Special Stains
      • In the Verhoff-Van Gieson stain for elastic fibers, what is the function of ferric chloride in the Verhoff solution?
      • Which of the following is the MOST appropriate fixative for frozen (cryostat) sections intended for oil red O staining?
      • Alex is performing a Gomori's one-step trichrome stain on a liver biopsy. Which of the following best describes the chemical action of Bouin's fluid w...
  • Determine the use of appropriate controls as a quality assurance measure.
      • Quality Control (QC) of Special Stains
      • Use and Evaluation of Special Stain Control Sections
      • Appropriate Controls for Amyloid and Carbohydrate Staining Methods
      • Appropriate Controls for Connective Tissue, Muscle Fiber, and Lipid Staining Methods
      • Appropriate Controls for Mineral Demonstration
      • Appropriate Controls for Microorganism Staining Methods
      • Appropriate Controls for Nervous System Component Staining Methods
      • Quality control pertaining to special stains involves many factors, including clean glassware. Which of the following describes the MOST appropriate g...
      • Tess is reviewing several special stain procedures and needs to include verbiage specific to positive tissue controls. Which of the following statemen...
      • In reviewing the inventory of special stain positive control blocks, you observe several blocks labeled as "normal cerebral cortex." Which of the foll...
  • Discuss requirements for accurate dilution of special stains, including solution labeling, storage, safe-handling, and disposal.
      • Storage and Labeling Requirements for Special Stain Solutions
      • Safe Handling and Disposal of Special Stain Solutions
      • Creating Special Stain Solutions with the Use of Dry Powder Chemicals
      • Creating Special Stain Solutions of Accurate Dilution
      • When pouring staining solutions from a primary container into a secondary container, which of the following is a TRUE statement with regard to the sec...
      • The Jones' methenamine silver requires 3% sodium thiosulfate. If 100 mL of this solution is created, how much sodium thiosulfate is required for an ac...
      • You have been asked to decolorize a slide that was previously stained with hematoxylin & eosin. To do this, you will need to make up an 80% alcoho...
      • You have found a container of staining solution that is expired. The container label indicates that the solution is flammable. Which of the following ...
  • Recognize staining errors and discuss troubleshooting considerations.
      • Avoiding Problems with Staining Procedures and Staining Reagents
      • Troubleshooting Special Stains for Amyloid and Carbohydrates
      • Troubleshooting Special Stains for Connective Tissues, Muscle Fibers, and Lipids
      • Troubleshooting Methods of Mineral Demonstration
      • Troubleshooting Special Stains for Microorganisms
      • Troubleshooting Special Stains for Nervous System Components
      • Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of weak methylene blue counterstaining results in the Ziehl-Neelsen AFB stain?
      • In the Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) stain for myelin sheath, what processing step is required for accurate staining of myelin?
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: This program is designed as an educational and training tool for HT, HTL, MLS, MT, MLT personnel, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information: Carla J. Shoffeitt, MSM, HT(ASCP) is the System Director of Anatomic Pathology for Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, Georgia. She holds a Master of Science Degree in Healthcare Management as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Troy University, Troy, Alabama. She is certified as a Histotechnician and has 29 years of experience in the field of Histology.
Reviewer Information: Alexandru Casapu, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, PBTCM, has over 20 years of experience as a medical laboratory scientist, section supervisor, and laboratory manager. He is the former Director of Clinical Laboratory Technology Program at Georgia Piedmont Technical College. He is currently a Program Director at MediaLab, Inc. Alex holds BS degrees in Biology and Medical Technology from Clark Atlanta University and an MBA from the University of Georgia.

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