CAP Pro Course - Urinalysis - Physical and Chemical Urinalysis

(based on 521 customer ratings)

Author: Marjorie Di Lorenzo, MT(ASCP)SH
Reviewers: Rory Huschka, M.Ed., MLS(ASCP) and Margaret Reinhart, MS, MLS(ASCP)

Continuing Education Credits


  • Discuss the proper collection, storage, and handling of urine specimens and describe the physical characteristics of normal and abnormal urine.
  • Describe appropriate storage and handling procedures for reagent strips and list causes of their premature deterioration.
  • Correlate physical and chemical urinalysis results; identify causes of false reagent strip results; and state the confirmatory tests that can be used to demonstrate the presence of or the absence of an analyte that occurs with a false-negative or inconclusive reagent strip result.
  • Identify conditions and diseases in which urine reagent strip test results aid in the diagnosis.

Course Outline

  • Discuss the proper collection, storage, and handling of urine samples and describe the physical characteristics of normal and abnormal urine.
      • Urine Sample Types and Collection Methods
      • Urine Specimen Handling and Storage
      • Physical Characteristics of Urine
      • Physical Characteristics of Urine, continued
      • Which of the following can produce a pink precipitate in urine?
      • An increased pH due to improper urine storage can be contributed to which of the following?
      • A random urine sample of a 22-year-old female patient is collected at an outpatient clinic. She is at the clinic as part of a routine physical and tel...
      • Which of the following can produce a white precipitate in refrigerated urine?
      • Which of the following will cause a cloudy red urine?
  • Describe appropriate storage and handling procedures for reagent strips and list causes of their premature deterioration.
      • Handling and Storage of Reagent Strips
      • Quality Control of Reagent Strips
      • What can occur if a reagent strip container is stored at over 30°C and without the lid on?
      • The urinalysis supervisor notices that one of the technologists on the urinalysis bench doesn't routinely mix the urine samples before testing. Which ...
      • The MLS working on the urinalysis bench just used the last chemical strip in the bottle. She opens a new bottle. Which of the following would be requi...
      • The employee testing morning quality control for urinalysis notices that positive and negative control results do not match the manufacturer's publish...
      • The last container of urine reagent strips in the current lot has not yet been opened. However, the date on the container indicates the expiration dat...
      • Which of the following techniques may cause an error in reagent strip test results?
  • Correlate physical and chemical urinalysis results and identify causes of false reagent strip results and secondary procedures that can be used to demonstrate the presence of, or confirm the absence of, an analyte with a false-negative or inconclusive reagent strip result.
      • Potential Sources of False Results Associated with Reagent Strip Testing
      • Confirmatory Testing for Discrepant Results with Reagent Strips
      • Which of following can cause a false-negative reagent strip test result for bilirubin?
      • A urine sample tested positive for leukocyte esterase and negative for nitrite on a reagent strip. There are several white blood cells and bacteria ob...
      • A two-month-old infant was seen at the pediatric clinic for dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea. A routine urinalysis was performed. The results ...
      • A 25-year-old male patient with type 1 diabetes is seen in urgent care complaining of chills and a burning sensation when urinating. In addition to bl...
      • Which of following can cause a false-positive reagent strip test result for protein?
  • Identify conditions/diseases in which urine reagent strip test results aid in the diagnosis.
      • Conditions and Diseases That Produce Positive or Elevated Reagent Strip Test Results
      • Conditions and Diseases That Produce Positive or Elevated Reagent Strip Test Results, continued
      • Table: Conditions and Diseases That Produce Positive or Elevated Reagent Strip Test Results
      • Conditions That Affect Specific Gravity and pH
      • A 45-year-old male patient comes to the emergency room complaining of upper abdominal pain. The attending physician notices yellow sclera (eyes). The ...
      • A urine sample from a 13-year-old boy with complaints of constant thirst, increased urination, and recent weight loss was obtained. Results from the u...
      • A random urine sample from a healthy appearing 22-year-old woman at her annual checkup produces the following results:Test ResultReference ValueColorY...
      • A 45-year-old overweight man is seen by his physician with complaints of weakness/tiredness, increased thirst, increased hunger, and increased urinati...
      • A 45-year-old overweight man is seen by his physician with complaints of weakness/tiredness, increased thirst, increased hunger, and increased urinati...
      • What does a speckled pattern on the blood pad of the reagent strip indicate?
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: This program is primarily designed as an educational tool for medical laboratory science students and interns, all MLS, MT, and MLT personnel, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information: Marjorie Di Lorenzo, MT(ASCP)SH is a medical technologist with 40 years of laboratory experience. She has assumed many roles in her career, first as a staff technologist and moving into roles of laboratory management and education in CLS and MLT programs. She is the co-author for several textbooks and articles on the topics of urinalysis and body fluids. Marjorie is currently the Phlebotomy Technician Program Coordinator at Nebraska Methodist College and an Adjunct Instructor in the Division of Laboratory Sciences at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska.
Reviewer Information: Rory Huschka, M. Ed., MT(ASCP), has over 20 years of combined experience as a medical technologist, technical supervisor, professor, and manager. He is the former Program Direct of MLS and MLT Programs. He currently works on the content development team at MediaLab, Inc. Rory holds a BS degree in Medical Technology from North Dakota State University and a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership.  Rory also has a green belt certificate from Villanova University.  
Reviewer Information:  Margaret Reinhart, MS, MLS(ASCP) is the MLS Program Director and Senior lecturer in Biological Sciences at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia PA where she teaches hematology, clinical immunology, parasitology, and other related courses. She is also an adjunct instructor in Hematology at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia PA. She holds a Master's Degree in Biology and in Health Care Administration.

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