CAP Pro Course - Immunology - Rapid Serologic Kit Tests

(based on 364 customer ratings)

Author: Mary Louise Turgeon, EdD, MLS(ASCP)CM 
Reviewers: Rory Huschka, M.Ed., MLS(ASCP) and Lorna Ruskin, EdD, MLS(ASCP)

Continuing Education Credits


  • Describe general characteristics of rapid serologic kit tests, including preanalytical conditions and unique specimen requirements for accurate test results.
  • Explain procedural requirements and test principles related to rapid serologic kit tests.
  • Summarize manufacturer's testing instructions as stated in the product insert.
  • Identify conditions in which one would initiate required quality control testing, correctly interpret quality control test results, and take corrective actions if control results are beyond defined limits.
  • Identify potential sources of analytical testing errors encountered when using rapid serologic test kits.
  • Interpret rapid serologic kit test results including the clinical applications of test results.

Course Outline

  • Describe general characteristics of rapid serologic kit tests, including pre-analytical conditions and unique specimen requirements for accurate test results.
      • Point-of-Care Serology Testing
      • CLIA Categories and Rapid Serology Tests
      • Examples of Rapid Serology Tests
      • Preanalytical Concerns
      • Sources of Error
      • Specimen Requirements for Serological Testing
      • A young woman visits a clinic for her annual checkup and states that, because of a new living situation, she might be a "low risk" for HIV infection. ...
      • Which of the following is an advantage of rapid kit testing?
  • Explain procedural requirements and test principles related to rapid serologic kit tests.
      • Test Principle
      • Agglutination Tests
      • Immunochromatography
      • The Urgent Care laboratory is extremely busy on a Friday night. Twenty seconds after you begin to perform a rapid kit test for infectious mononucleosi...
      • Mary purchases an hCG test from her local drug store. The package insert states the principle of the test is a mono - mono antibody combination specif...
  • Summarize manufacturer's testing instructions as stated in the product insert.
      • Content of Manufacturer's Product Inserts
      • Kit Stability and Storage
      • Specimen Acceptability
      • Rapid test kit product inserts include many important points related to the kit testing. Which of the following is an important point of product infor...
      • The storage of kit assays is affected by several variables. If single-use test devices are packaged in a sealed pouch with desiccants, the devices sho...
  • Initiate required quality control testing, correctly interpret quality control test results, and take corrective actions, if control results are beyond defined limits.
      • Quality Control Requirements for Kit Tests: Agglutination Methods
      • Quality Control Requirements for Kit Tests: Single-Use Test Devices
      • Additional Quality Control Monitors
      • Interpretation of Built-in Quality Control Results
      • What options are available to a laboratory for the performance of required quality control on a non-waived test kit?
      • Mary is training a new employee in the chemistry laboratory. She is showing the employee how to run a non-waived rapid HIV test that has built interna...
  • Identify potential sources of analytical testing errors encountered when using rapid serologic test kits.
      • Sources of Error
      • Sources of Error (continued)
      • A swab for a rapid strep test and culture has arrived in the laboratory. You are the processor for all of the incoming samples for your laboratory tha...
      • Reagents and single-use test devices that are used for rapid tests must be at room temperature when patient testing is performed. What is the range fo...
  • Interpret rapid serologic kit test results including the clinical applications of test results.
      • Interpreting Test Results for Single-Use Test Kits
      • Test Timing
      • Agglutination Test Interpretation
      • Prozone Interpretation
      • A STAT assay for the determination of antistreptolysin-O in serum by agglutination of latex particles on a glass slide was ordered. The test kit comes...
      • The evening shift medical laboratory scientist performs a batch of RPR card tests and gets distracted by a phone call. The manufacturer's specific ins...
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: This program is suitable as an educational tool for medical laboratory students and interns, and all MLS and MLT personnel.
Author Information: Mary Louise Turgeon, EdD, MLS(ASCP)CM, is an educator, author, and consultant in medical laboratory science education. Her career as an educator includes 15 years as a community college Professor and Program Director. Additionally, she has 14 years as an undergraduate and graduate university Professor and administrator. She is the author of medical laboratory science books including Immunology and Serology in Laboratory Medicine, 5th ed (2014).
Reviewer Information: Rory Huschka, M.Ed., MLS(ASCP), has over 20 years of experience as a medical technologist, technical supervisor, professor, and manager. He is a former Program Director of Medical Laboratory Science and Medical Laboratory Technician Programs. He currently works on the content development team at MediaLab, Inc. Rory holds a BS degree in Medical Technology from North Dakota State University and a Master's in Educational Leadership.
Reviewer Information:  Lorna Ruskin, EdD, MT(ASCP) is an Assistant Professor for the Medical Laboratory Science program at the University of Minnesota. Lorna has approximately 20 years of teaching experience in Medical Laboratory Science programs and has served as both the Program Director and Clinical Coordinator. She has done extensive research on laboratory simulation and has presented at national conferences regarding that topic.

This course is part of the CAP Competency Assessment Hub.

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